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Module ataraxia-tcp

TCP-based transport for Network, can discover and automatically establish encrypted connections over TCP.

Supports pluggable discoveries via TCPPeerDiscovery with a mDNS implementation in TCPPeerMDNSDiscovery that discover peers on the same local network.

import { Network, AnonymousAuth } from 'ataraxia';
import { TCPTransport, TCPPeerMDNSDiscovery } from 'ataraxia-tcp';

// Setup a network with anonymous authentication
const net = new Network({
name: 'name-of-your-app-or-network',
transports: [
new TCPTransport({
// Discover other peers on the same physical network
discovery: new TCPPeerMDNSDiscovery(),
// Use anonymous authentication
authentication: [
new AnonymousAuth()

// Start the network
await net.start();


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